Monday, August 26, 2019

Population Pyramids Activity

1.  Select Report- Choose "Population Pyramid Graph"
2.  Choose the year (You need to look at 2000, 2025 and 2050- select one year at a time)
3.  Choose a country- NOT the United States (make sure to write that country name on your worksheet.
4.  Hit "Submit"

Use the information from these Graphs to answer the questions on your worksheet.

On the back of your worksheet for the same country:
            click on “The World” and choose your country

1.       What is the overall population today?
2.      What is the arithmetic density?
3.      What is the TFR?
4.      Look at the Population Pyramid toward the bottom of the page.  Which cohort is the largest?  What is the shape?  Do you see any future implications?
